Die Sieben Todsˆ¢nden (der Kleinbˆ¢rger) ¤C©v¸o
The Seven Deadly Sins (of the Petty Bourgeoisie) (1933)

I pledge (not) guilty -- prologue (photo: cheung chi-wai)




A ballet libretto in seven sections
by Bertolt Brecht, music by Kurt Weill

© Cheung Chi-wai

Set in modern America.
Two sisters, Anna 1 and Anna 2, are sent out by their family in Louisiana to earn their fortune. 'One of the two Annas is the Manager, the other the artist; one (A1) is the saleswoman, the other (A2) the article sold.' In seven years they traverse seven cities, in each of which A2 is tempted by one of the seven deadly sins, which would have ruined her. These sins are in fact virtues: Pride (in one's own best self), Sloth (in performing an injustice), Anger (at a mean action), etc. She avoids the lot; she succeeds as blackmailer, cabaret star, film extra; and so the two Annas are able to return home with enough money for their family to build a house. In a final episode, other Annas are foolish enough to commit these sins, and are ruined.

From John Willet: The Theatre of Bertolt Brecht, Methuen, 1959

Faulheit - Ãi´k - Sloth :: Stolz - ź¶Æ - Pride ::: Zorn - ¼««ã - Wrath :::: Völlerei - ¼É­¹ - Gluttony ::::: Unzucht - ±¡¼¤ - Lust :::::: Habsucht - ³g°ý - Avarice ::::::: Neid - ¶ú§ª - Envy :


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