An experiment to review my actions/performances as part of the civil struggles in Hong Kong during, right before and after the Umbrella Movement in 2014 from a critical distance.
This project also invited Chan Sai Lok, Clara Cheung, Jaffa Lam and Yuen Yan to contribute their stories of joining my civil actions in various points.
Photo and video documentations of related actions and performance were shown.
i can imagine everything but living without art. imagaination allows me to go beyond the dead end of binary opposition. art for me is more than creativity, but also to realize an ideal humanity which nurtures all lives in the world and the universe. even small acts can make a change.
special thanks to Lisa Leung & Terence Cheung of Lingnan University and hey_fruit for her assistance.
>>張穎淇〈 「我寫下了一萬次我要真普選」〉,《評台》,2015年2月13日
this project is as part of the creativity movement space, Prelude to Lingnan Arts Festival 2015, 5-27/02/2015