(wen yau had experiences of presenting performances in festivals in mainland China in front of some plain-cloth policemen: she used some parodic tactics to touch on sociopolitical issues and even dragged them in my live performance. She believes that, on the one hand, Hongkongers have to keep up our strong will to fight for what we believe in and overcome the fear bred by authoritarianism. On the other hand, artists have to develop sets of artistic skills to craft our work even more imaginatively and resiliently so as to play around with the regime.)
This article was about National Security Law that has imposed on Hong Kong in June 2020.
Full article 香港の美術界は「国家安全法」にどう反応しているのか? 「アートによる抵抗は恐怖では消えない」 published in Bijutsutechno ウェブ版美術手帖, 2/8/2020