A Letter to the Future

The past is haunting us from time to time like a ghost. Things may recur as they were but we by no means can redo the past. You, the Future, on the other hand, are our crush, a figment of our imagination. You are the unknown, so uncertain and unprecedented that we cannot be absolutely sure of. You are so intangible and unreachable that we would only endow you with our hope and/or even wishful thinking in a world where populism seems to override authenticity and money to outweigh humanity. You are the muse of make-believe, and the changes we envision to make are for an imaginary ‘you’ that we ever seek to meet. The enchantment of performance keeps us musing on the possibilities of freeing ourselves from the status quo.

The full article was published in Global Performance Studies issue 2.2.

平權烈女 撼藝術界高牆


平權之路,從來不平坦。#Metoo 是星火燎原,女性身體由私密之地,變成攻訐之所,沒有任何人能倖免,因為性別之爭,本來就是一種權力拉扯。香港女性藝術工作者同樣面對困境,很多人選擇以「性別盲」方式看待藝術圈運作,在性別嚴重失衡的香港藝術界,這些依然努力創作的女性,也許必須身懷十八般武藝和擁有真切澄明的心,才能繼續生存下去。

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Acts of Commoning: a HK-Thai Cultural Exchange Project

Acts of Commoning is a cultural exchange project curated by wen yau in 2019, in collaboration with Asiatopia Foundation.  Three HK artists (Vangi Fong, wen yau, and Cally Yu) stay in a village in Nan, northern Thailand between 2 and 15 January 2019.

The 2-week residency was also joined by Thai artists Teetat Saewang, Natthakorn Surintham and Chumpon Apisuk, director of Asiatopia Foundation. During the 2-week residency, the artists hang out with the villagers in Baan Nam Krog Mai and learned how they shared resources and built their community in an intensive social network.  The project offered the artists and the villagers a great opportunity to meet each other from different cultures and exchange ideas about our own practices in everyday life, contemporary art and social engagement.

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