Tag: bibliography
books, periodicals, etc that cover my work
Kunst und kollektive Kraft
Sie läuft mit verbundenen Augen bei Demonstrationen in Hongkong mit: die Künstlerin und Aktivistin Wen Yau. In Leipzig zeigt sie derzeit ihre Installation „Wir sind das Volk!“. Im Interview spricht sie auch über ihre Verbindung zur Friedlichen Revolution in Leipzig.
平權烈女 撼藝術界高牆
平權之路,從來不平坦。#Metoo 是星火燎原,女性身體由私密之地,變成攻訐之所,沒有任何人能倖免,因為性別之爭,本來就是一種權力拉扯。香港女性藝術工作者同樣面對困境,很多人選擇以「性別盲」方式看待藝術圈運作,在性別嚴重失衡的香港藝術界,這些依然努力創作的女性,也許必須身懷十八般武藝和擁有真切澄明的心,才能繼續生存下去。
Frank Vigneron. Hong Kong Soft Power (2018)
My work was featured in Frank Vigneron’s book Hong Kong Soft Power: Art Practices in the Special Administrative Region, 2005-2014 published by The Chinese University Press, 2018:
- Intervention at “Black Cloth March” (2014), in “Introduction.” p.16
- I Am a Grade D Artist 我是丁級藝術家 (2013) in “Chapter 2: Sorting the Intricacies of a Complex Art Field” pp.104-108
〈女身自主時代〉 ‘Female body empowerment’
紋身和繩綁,是女性宣示身體主權的媒介,亦是來自外界、透過第三者加諸於自己身體的。然而,要掌握甚至運用身體作為反抗社會對女身單一、狹隘的想像,行為藝術就是最直白的表現。跨媒界藝術家魂游身材纖細,紥起馬尾就如小女孩,但在藝術界別中,她絕對不是唯唯諾諾的女孩,經常以自己的身體,表現出驚人的力量,令人反思女性身體在藝術乃至社會的角色和定位。在行為藝術家 Marina Abramovic 的電影放映前,魂游在講台上分享着自己的經驗,照片中的她,一絲不掛,在一張桌子上,移動着身體,以手臂和大腿的力量,從桌上攀到桌下然後回到桌上,身體綻放着光芒,呈現出女身的綫條和輪廓之美。作品《在桌上:向霜田誠二致敬》,是向霜田誠二的《在桌上》致敬,但重複的,卻只是那張桌子的設置,不論是概念抑或展現出來的美感,都跟「原著」大相逕庭。
‘Brushes with Authority’
by Enid Tsui
Wen Yau, a performance artist who joined an Occupy Central protest wearing a blindfold designed like the Chinese flag, is determined to foster more rational, calm discussion within the arts community for this year’s handover anniversary.
“There are so many divisions and not enough talking. It’s true even within the arts community,” she says.
〈回應丁級藝術家的U級書寫〉’A Grade U writing in response to a Grade D artist’
文:丁穎茵 博士(香港浸會大學視覺藝術院助理教授)
by: Dr. Ting Wing Yan Vivian (Assistant Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University)
I am absolutely skeptical about examinations. Who would have the nerve to grade the works by Giotto, Velazquez, Dong Yuan or Shi Tao? How can mere figures reveal the intellectual pursuits of an artist and sensual explorations in art-making throughout the years? How can quantitative assessments measure the quality of works of art created with one’s imagination and the depth of one’s inner self? Can one state that the voluptuous and coloured rhythm of Matisse in his compositions is less vigorous, compared to the geometric construction of form by Braque? How can the refreshing fluidity in the simple yet polished works of art of San Yu be compared with the energetic and rule-breaking abstract language by Chu Teh-Chun?
Read more “〈回應丁級藝術家的U級書寫〉’A Grade U writing in response to a Grade D artist’”
〈丁級 vs. 頂級〉’D for Distinction’
by: C&G
’Visual Arts’ is not a compulsory subject in the education system of Hong Kong. Generally speaking, only those who are talented or deeply interested in this subject would study this elective subject of Visual Arts. Only they would then have an advantage to enter the Art department of universities. Only they would then be able to easily reach the channel to go in the art world and become artists. The number of artists who hold a Fine Arts degree, therefore, far exceeds the number of artists who do not have such academic background. In other words, for one who does not hold an Arts degree, but want to become an outstanding artist, s/he must be extraordinarily passionate about art.