Read more “Art as a Gift of Empowerment: Civil Engagement in Hong Kong”
Tag: social practices
social practices, social engagement, etc

inappropriate BOOK CLUB: Colectivos Situaciones’ “Politicizing Sadness”
Performing the Commons: The (In)elasticity of Social Engagement in the Face of Political Suppression


Performing the Publicness: From Public Space to Public Sphere
香港の美術界は「国家安全法」にどう反応しているのか? 「アートによる抵抗は恐怖では消えない」
Flowing Forward Virtual Panel Discussion
In the panel, I spoke about the disturbance and fear I experienced over the past year(s), and how I have overcome these challenges through my art-making practices.
Pandemic Panel: Hong Kong and Persistent Resistance
Civil Society and Art – Visual Art in Public Space
Civil society and art are often in a dynamic interrelationship: social themes that are perceived as relevant and meaningful find their expression in the arts. And art offers a medium for social debates. Hong Kong, with its vibrant cultural and creative scene and a very active civil society, is an impressive testimony to this.
The Goethe-Institut is opening a new series of discussion on the topic of civil society and art, in which various areas will be focused on in loose succession. The fourth discussion will focus on Visual Art in Public Space. Artists Wen Yau, Kacey Wong and Him Lo will share their thoughts on the topic in relation to the society that they live in. The discussion will be moderated by Vivienne Chow.
Speakers: Wen Yau, Kacey Wong, Him Lo
Moderatorin: Vivienne Chow
Venue: Goethe-Institut Hongkong
Date: 21/11/2019, 7pm